Saturday, September 18, 2010


Let's play catch up, I finally made it to starbucks, and now I have all the time, and no distractions to distract me! Anyway So I have been in class from Monday to friday! In the mornings, and some late day classes depending on how class goes. 
My roomies and I have been on many adventures! We found an amish store a little bit up the road and so thats a fun place to go when we have a few mins to get off the base. Bike riding is a favorite minus the fact its up hill like the whole way...well maybe not, but it feels like it lol. 
For all of you that are in Jersey, I have been planning on coming home for a few weeks now, but If you havent heard my car has failed inspection. At first it was one thing, and now it has turned into something else. So keep my car in your prayers, as well as my mom, she has been a huge blessing, driving it around getting it fixed and going back and forth to the inspection place. As well as letting me borrow her car to be up at school while mine is getting fixed!
Anyway, in class we have been learning about fatherhood, and authority. Fatherhood, redeeming the idea of what God meant has being a father. Recognizing as a society how important it is to be parents. And authority learning how the past authority effects our current veiws on authority. So much of this is being applied to my life but it's such a great tool. Many times we don't understand why we operate the way that we do, or what causes us to become frustrated with someone before we even talk to them. 
Its just the short 3 weeks I have been here, its given me so much. Im excited about the next 9 weeks of class, and coming out of this more knowledgeable and ready to give more. Keep getting more and giving more! Thank you guys for your prayers! Keep them coming! 
Love Love

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