Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Coast to Coast

O the wedding! It was amazing, Matt and Erin deserve nothing but that! The weather was amazing, the wedding was beautiful, it was nice to be around lots of unknown people. The wedding was at a ranch, and It was defiantly Matt and Erin touched. It wasn't a wedding that looked nothing like them but really their likes and personalities really came out! It is such a blessings to be part of a day like that! To have been a leader in Erin's DTS and co leading with Matt, to being in their wedding, wow! The things that I am learning through them have been amazing, and I am blessed to call these two my friends! Let the Lord bless them, and keep us close no matter where we end up!
Home, How much I love New Jersey! I got in really late last night, and was greeted by my brother and sister in law! And I thought I was done moving, but nope, I moved upstairs in the house which has more pros then con's. Packing and moving stuff up there, made me realize how much I hate throwing things out. Jesus, Please teach me to get rid of stuff!! But its not just random stuff, its old school books, and well I guess it is. Maybe ill just throw it all out...who knows! 
So anyway now that Im home, today is a chill day and tomorrow will start the chaos of meeting with people, working on newsletters, and figure out what's next. Im only here for 10 days so little time. Let's get it started and see what happens! 
Let the adventure begin!

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