Monday, July 19, 2010


I was going to write about what I have been doing this past few weeks here in Nashville, but I couldn't help but put that off for another day. I was talking to my brother a couple days ago and he just got home from Haiti! I know that I have yet to hear all the crazy stories that has gone on, and all the things God did. But I know that God showed up. I have been praying for Him for so long, and that the Lord would do something crazy in His life. 
After talking to him, He wants to go back to Haiti! I am a missionary, not just to my home but to the world around me. I know the Lord has called me to short term missions, with a focus on America, and restoring these generations to go out and impact other nations. 
Well if this isnt the most prime way of doing it! My Little brother is going to go! Weather it be Haiti or Africa, or Mexico, the Lord has gotton ahold of him!
If you think people aren't watching what your doing, ask Matt, I know the Lord used my obednice to bring Him into a new place!
Matt, and the Whole team, I am proud of you guys! For sticking in and raising the money you needed to go on this trip! Im proud of the fact that you gave up 10 days of your life, to go serve others. Im proud that you are running after the Lord and all that He has for you!
You guys make me proud! Matty! I love you and if ever forget Im proud of you, and where your letting the Lord take you!


  1. So awesome, Lisa! thanks for sharing and welcome to the world of blogging! Look forward to reading more adventures! God is awesome!

  2. lisa!! that's so awesome! it makes me think of our prayer time in thailand...He so answers prayers!! love you girl!!

