Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Put your bags down and stay a while...

Man, it's so beyond words amazing to be home. From moving for the past two months overseas, and then coming home moving, and then flying to one side of the US to the other side in the the matter 3 months...woo Im so excited to just be stopped! Im back now in the Great State of TN! I got in later monday night, and headed home. I slept in a bed, that I could actually sleep in!! Woo!
Anyway, before I get lost in all that, Home in Jersey was soo good. I really do hate leaving that place and all the amazing people up there. But While I was home,  I got to see so many people, and meet new people, hang out with my family which was much needed! I got to go to the zoo! (pics to come). Sunday I got to hang out with a friend who was just arriving in NJ, we cooked dinner for my family and my mom helped! I being the smart one that I am, I bought shake and bake for pork, when we were eating chicken, so Stacy called it Porken. props! I made a cake with icing that said NJ, it came out good, I would say! Who knew I could cook?!

Anyway, Here I am back in TN, Im working in back in the recruting office. Ill be here for a little over two weeks. Next week my family is coming for the first time in 3 years to visit me! Woo, then I'm working with a performing arts camp in Nashville. 
Im excited, I miss working with Kids, and I like that it will be for a fun short time!
After that...is still waiting to be told so, keep your eyes open!

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