Sunday, August 1, 2010

Change is right around the Corner

Man It has been a crazy two weeks! I have been working with a performing arts camp here in Nashville. Where we teach kids to sing and the same time lol! Then at the end of the week, they put on a performance for their family and friends! I got to Peer lead with some awesome kids. Some of them had been effected by the flood that Happen in Nashville a little over 2 and half months ago. Total over the whole two weeks, it was fun!
But in the back of my mind, I have been figuring out all these things that are in need of getting done before I travel back up to the great North East!
In case You haven't heard, I am going to do some traning up in Lebanon PA. Its with YWAM and its 3 months long, and then Ill be right back here in Nashville. The training will not only better my knowledge for now, but for the long run. My vision and goal is to take everything I learn from here, and use it one day down the road. The training is going to be focused around counseling. Let me tell you, Im pretty excited! I love LOVE being around people, but helping them, gives me so much more joy. I say this to some you a lot, but right now, where I am, the direction I am headed, I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world. The Lord has been so faithful for every step, and I continue to follow where He leads.
I am heading up in a week from Thursday, and Ill be at Come Alive on Sunday, and then Ill be around Lumberton for a week, before I head up to school. So if you are around and want to meet up and hang out, Im there!
(This is the base, where I'll be living for 3 months!)
Please- Continue to pray for everything! My travels, finances, for my heart and mind to learn to be open to learn more, and for whatever else the Lord may lead you to pray!

1 comment:

  1. I just love you so much and am so proud that you truly seek the Lord and His will for your life in everything. I admire you alot Lisa!! And love you tons
