Monday, August 23, 2010

First impressions. Glad they don't last.

So I'm settled and hanging out in my room, there's two empty beds down the row, and two beds across hold two lovely spanish speaking ladies. 
As I have been getting ready to come here, I knew all this, I knew there wouldn't be many english speakers, and I have been to different countries, I have learned. But I think I came into this so much differently then at the moment I feel. And at the same time, I know this will change. 
I have had word after word after word, that this season, wasn't going to look like any other season I had been through before. The Lord had told me that, but it's different walking right into the face of it. Tonight I sat at dinner, with everyone who spoke Spanish. Some could speak English but not very well, I said a couple of funny things, but then spanish it went. Im looking at this whole thing in a light, that I will understand later, I'm sure.
Its going to be different, Im not at home, Im out of my comfort zone and step into something new. Yes going alone, makes for weird transitions, but I know this is where Im suppose to be. No Questions asked.
Im ready for this adventure with the Lord. What will I learn? Thats a great question, but Ill write about it, Ill tell you all about it!
Cheers to a life worth living, and Praises to a God who knows what He is doing!

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