Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And So it has...

Yesterday was our first official day of class, we had interviews, which I thought was fun where we got to meet the staff and they got to meet us one on one. My other roomie has arrived, still missing one, but Trina speaks english..and its quite fun for the two of us to try and speak spanish. 
Yesterday They said something about two dollars. and the next thing coming out of my mouth was "For you 2 Dolla Special Deal for you 2 Dolla" They all looked at me and started cracking up...gotta love it!
There are 7 of us, with a variety of life behind us! Lets see, so I get up at 630 every morning, which should be quite interesting. I mean I have successfully done one day, and made it through the day! PTL. I work in the afternoons, prepping dinner...yea its ok to snicker, I told them I burn everything, they didn't believe me. Somehow tonight I burnt the meatballs....Skills! But its a fun time, I love laughing and joking around, Joy is a great thing to have.
Today we dove right into the swing of things with lecture in the morning. Man, Its been a while since I have taken notes like that. But its exciting, to be caught up in it all. Its nice having translation it gives me a second to gather thoughts write them down and listen to whats up next. But Lots of learning is to be had by the end of it!
So my life for the next 3 months is going to be crazy, and amazing, with challenges, victories, and stories to tell. 
Ill try to keep you update, It may look all over the place by the time I get done writing but hopefully youll get the understanding lol!

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