Thursday, August 19, 2010

Let's Catch up!

Grab a cup of coffee, turn your fone off, tell everyone on facebook, that your catching up wit a friend...k. I ll give you a second!
Good? Sweet!
So Im Good! I hope your good, wherever you right now...doing watever it is your doing!
I have been home for a week now, and may I say, I love this place. I love catching up, I love hearing about what is going on, I love telling people about me, cause admittedly talking about me is pretty cool. well Listening to about you is pretty awesome too, cause your letting me on your life, which I REALLY love!
Anyway, since your reading this trying to figure out what i have been up to let me fill you in!
After driving and driving and driving I got home on Friday night, and ran out to get dinner and ended up hanging out with friends. Ashley drove home with me, wat a trooper! 
Saturday we did random things and ended at Ocean City! Sunday she left to PA, and i went to a brunch with some High school friends and old teachers! I love getting together with them! Then church and a surprise party for my mom!
Totally got her! It was great, Props to my sister and dad who really did most of the work! This week, i have just spent time working on different stuff and hanging out with people. I got to speak at Youth group the other night, and Man, I love hanging out with them! I love hearing how God is using them, and even watching Matt, run after the Lord, it makes me proud as a sister! God has been opening doors for me to walk right through with my family and church! Im excited to be up here and part of all that when I can be!
I start my school on Monday, and YES im so ready to be there and dig in! I didn't think I like change that much, and I don't think I do, but adventure, I live for that! Adventure of meeting new people, and investing in lives, in my life, of my relationship with the Lord, I live for that!
Can I use your prayers?! Heck yea! Please, I would love for you guys to visit up there, or we can hang out when i come home on weekends, or send a card, mail is great, and loved! As soon as i get my address, Ill post it!
Man, Hopefully you feel caught up on my life! Now you should leave a comment catch me up on yours, and hey I wanna pray for you, so tell me how I can do that!
Your Loved by the King

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