Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunshine, Heat, Sunshine

Man! Im leaving TN in two days, and its weird. I know Im coming back in 3 months, and its only 3 months, but how often do I tell DTS students that 3 months of being away, you change, and when you come home, things hafta be different. You can't go pursue the Lord, and try and fit back into old ways. Thats one of the greatest things I think Im excited about in the next 3 months. Im excited, because theres so many things I don't know, I don't know details, other then, I need to be at the base on August 22nd. Bam! I love it! Im excited to pursue some training when it comes to discipline  people. Cause not only am I going to bring this back with me as I continue to be with YWAM Nashville, but for later!
It has been so hot here, hot everywhere, but I was hoping to get away from it, but nope I hear its just as hot up in NJ! But I love the sunshine, and I pray for good weather as I drive up! Yup!
I have a friend coming up with me and she will be around till monday! We are trying to find something new and fun to do on saturday, so if you know of anything, or you wanna hang out with us! You should let me know! Prove to her that Jersey people aren't that bad..You know what Im saying!
Anyway, go on Toms.com go buy an awesome pair of shoes, for yourself, for a friend, for me, whoever and not only will you or whoever you buy the shoes for, but a Kid in need somewhere in the world will get a pair to! So go buy a pair! YA!
Anyway, Cheers to new things!

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