Saturday, September 18, 2010


Let's play catch up, I finally made it to starbucks, and now I have all the time, and no distractions to distract me! Anyway So I have been in class from Monday to friday! In the mornings, and some late day classes depending on how class goes. 
My roomies and I have been on many adventures! We found an amish store a little bit up the road and so thats a fun place to go when we have a few mins to get off the base. Bike riding is a favorite minus the fact its up hill like the whole way...well maybe not, but it feels like it lol. 
For all of you that are in Jersey, I have been planning on coming home for a few weeks now, but If you havent heard my car has failed inspection. At first it was one thing, and now it has turned into something else. So keep my car in your prayers, as well as my mom, she has been a huge blessing, driving it around getting it fixed and going back and forth to the inspection place. As well as letting me borrow her car to be up at school while mine is getting fixed!
Anyway, in class we have been learning about fatherhood, and authority. Fatherhood, redeeming the idea of what God meant has being a father. Recognizing as a society how important it is to be parents. And authority learning how the past authority effects our current veiws on authority. So much of this is being applied to my life but it's such a great tool. Many times we don't understand why we operate the way that we do, or what causes us to become frustrated with someone before we even talk to them. 
Its just the short 3 weeks I have been here, its given me so much. Im excited about the next 9 weeks of class, and coming out of this more knowledgeable and ready to give more. Keep getting more and giving more! Thank you guys for your prayers! Keep them coming! 
Love Love

Friday, September 3, 2010


Here's my newsletter check it out! 
If you are interested in supporting me Let me know! Ill give you all the info you need!
Love you all!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And So it has...

Yesterday was our first official day of class, we had interviews, which I thought was fun where we got to meet the staff and they got to meet us one on one. My other roomie has arrived, still missing one, but Trina speaks english..and its quite fun for the two of us to try and speak spanish. 
Yesterday They said something about two dollars. and the next thing coming out of my mouth was "For you 2 Dolla Special Deal for you 2 Dolla" They all looked at me and started cracking up...gotta love it!
There are 7 of us, with a variety of life behind us! Lets see, so I get up at 630 every morning, which should be quite interesting. I mean I have successfully done one day, and made it through the day! PTL. I work in the afternoons, prepping dinner...yea its ok to snicker, I told them I burn everything, they didn't believe me. Somehow tonight I burnt the meatballs....Skills! But its a fun time, I love laughing and joking around, Joy is a great thing to have.
Today we dove right into the swing of things with lecture in the morning. Man, Its been a while since I have taken notes like that. But its exciting, to be caught up in it all. Its nice having translation it gives me a second to gather thoughts write them down and listen to whats up next. But Lots of learning is to be had by the end of it!
So my life for the next 3 months is going to be crazy, and amazing, with challenges, victories, and stories to tell. 
Ill try to keep you update, It may look all over the place by the time I get done writing but hopefully youll get the understanding lol!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First impressions. Glad they don't last.

So I'm settled and hanging out in my room, there's two empty beds down the row, and two beds across hold two lovely spanish speaking ladies. 
As I have been getting ready to come here, I knew all this, I knew there wouldn't be many english speakers, and I have been to different countries, I have learned. But I think I came into this so much differently then at the moment I feel. And at the same time, I know this will change. 
I have had word after word after word, that this season, wasn't going to look like any other season I had been through before. The Lord had told me that, but it's different walking right into the face of it. Tonight I sat at dinner, with everyone who spoke Spanish. Some could speak English but not very well, I said a couple of funny things, but then spanish it went. Im looking at this whole thing in a light, that I will understand later, I'm sure.
Its going to be different, Im not at home, Im out of my comfort zone and step into something new. Yes going alone, makes for weird transitions, but I know this is where Im suppose to be. No Questions asked.
Im ready for this adventure with the Lord. What will I learn? Thats a great question, but Ill write about it, Ill tell you all about it!
Cheers to a life worth living, and Praises to a God who knows what He is doing!

Check Mate!

Yup, Here's the best picture I have for you...
Im in PA Land of the Corn lovers. As soon as I have more Ill Let you know!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Let's Catch up!

Grab a cup of coffee, turn your fone off, tell everyone on facebook, that your catching up wit a friend...k. I ll give you a second!
Good? Sweet!
So Im Good! I hope your good, wherever you right now...doing watever it is your doing!
I have been home for a week now, and may I say, I love this place. I love catching up, I love hearing about what is going on, I love telling people about me, cause admittedly talking about me is pretty cool. well Listening to about you is pretty awesome too, cause your letting me on your life, which I REALLY love!
Anyway, since your reading this trying to figure out what i have been up to let me fill you in!
After driving and driving and driving I got home on Friday night, and ran out to get dinner and ended up hanging out with friends. Ashley drove home with me, wat a trooper! 
Saturday we did random things and ended at Ocean City! Sunday she left to PA, and i went to a brunch with some High school friends and old teachers! I love getting together with them! Then church and a surprise party for my mom!
Totally got her! It was great, Props to my sister and dad who really did most of the work! This week, i have just spent time working on different stuff and hanging out with people. I got to speak at Youth group the other night, and Man, I love hanging out with them! I love hearing how God is using them, and even watching Matt, run after the Lord, it makes me proud as a sister! God has been opening doors for me to walk right through with my family and church! Im excited to be up here and part of all that when I can be!
I start my school on Monday, and YES im so ready to be there and dig in! I didn't think I like change that much, and I don't think I do, but adventure, I live for that! Adventure of meeting new people, and investing in lives, in my life, of my relationship with the Lord, I live for that!
Can I use your prayers?! Heck yea! Please, I would love for you guys to visit up there, or we can hang out when i come home on weekends, or send a card, mail is great, and loved! As soon as i get my address, Ill post it!
Man, Hopefully you feel caught up on my life! Now you should leave a comment catch me up on yours, and hey I wanna pray for you, so tell me how I can do that!
Your Loved by the King

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunshine, Heat, Sunshine

Man! Im leaving TN in two days, and its weird. I know Im coming back in 3 months, and its only 3 months, but how often do I tell DTS students that 3 months of being away, you change, and when you come home, things hafta be different. You can't go pursue the Lord, and try and fit back into old ways. Thats one of the greatest things I think Im excited about in the next 3 months. Im excited, because theres so many things I don't know, I don't know details, other then, I need to be at the base on August 22nd. Bam! I love it! Im excited to pursue some training when it comes to discipline  people. Cause not only am I going to bring this back with me as I continue to be with YWAM Nashville, but for later!
It has been so hot here, hot everywhere, but I was hoping to get away from it, but nope I hear its just as hot up in NJ! But I love the sunshine, and I pray for good weather as I drive up! Yup!
I have a friend coming up with me and she will be around till monday! We are trying to find something new and fun to do on saturday, so if you know of anything, or you wanna hang out with us! You should let me know! Prove to her that Jersey people aren't that bad..You know what Im saying!
Anyway, go on go buy an awesome pair of shoes, for yourself, for a friend, for me, whoever and not only will you or whoever you buy the shoes for, but a Kid in need somewhere in the world will get a pair to! So go buy a pair! YA!
Anyway, Cheers to new things!